Friday, June 29, 2012


Tonight I went to a celebration of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, which has been a tradition at the Aleluya school since its founding. You can read more about the tradition here:

The students basically build a giant figurine out of wood and paper mache over a two week period, and then perform a ceremony involving dancing and pageantry as they affirm the most positive aspects of human nature. The sculpture is then lit, as a way of sacrificing all of our worst attributes. This is the way I understand the ceremony, which I found to be very interesting.
Nearing the end of the construction phase in the school gym
This year's sculpture was a Minotaur. After construction was completed, the final product was transported to the military base for the ceremony. The ceremony used to take place on the school's campus, but eventually as the school and city grew it got too dangerous.

5th year physics students after class today

6th year students in front of the Minotaur they constructed

5th year students before the start of the ceremony

The 4th year B class, all decked out in their makeup for their performance.
A video of one of the dances.

The 10m tall sculpture went up fast!

Quite a pyre!
As always, I was impressed by the work that went into the ceremony. The students put a ton of work not only into making the sculpture, but also into choreographing the dances that were done by each group.

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